An Overview on Back Hair and How to Get Rid of It
Like other areas of the body, the presence of back hair varies widely among individuals and is influenced by genetic and hormonal factors. While back hair is a natural part of human physiology, its visibility and thickness can vary significantly from lighter, sparse and fine back hair, to denser, darker, and more coarse hair.
Cultural and personal preferences play a role in how individuals perceive and maintain back hair, with grooming practices ranging from acceptance to maintenance by shaving and waxing, or choosing to get rid of unwanted back hair permanently with laser hair removal — a procedure that is particularly popular among men.
While hair growth patterns vary from person-to-person, laser back hair removal includes the patient’s waistline up to the lower neck, and includes the top of both shoulders[91].
If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to reduce or remove hair from your back and shoulders, read on to learn more about laser back hair removal.
What You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal for Back & Shoulders
While some women do opt to invest in the procedure, at WIFH our 8-session back hair removal package is the most popular treatment for men. Recognizing that laser removal offers the best option for long-term results, it is important to understand how to prepare and what to expect during and after each of the treatment sessions.
Prepare by Shaving the Treatment Area
As with all of our laser hair removal packages, we ask that patients shave the treatment area night before (or day of) each of the 8 sessions. We understand some patients may not be able to do this without assistance. For patients who require us to shave their back prior to the session, please be sure to mention this when scheduling so that we may schedule additional time.
Patients should also ensure the treatment area is free of any lotion, sunscreen, or makeup prior to treatment.
What Getting Back Hair Removal Feels Like
Most of our patients equate the feeling of a laser hair removal treatment to the snap of a rubber band. Unlike waxing, the pain isn’t residual. Once the laser pulses the discomfort is over, there is no heat or sensitivity in the skin.
At WIFH, we recommend patients try their first back laser hair removal session without numbing cream. For patients who cannot tolerate those repetitive rubber band snaps, we can write a prescription for a topical anesthetic.
Treatment Duration & Immediate Aftercare
Each of the 8 laser sessions to treat unwanted back hair will last approximately 60 minutes. Directly following the treatment patients are free to apply aloe vera or sunscreen to the back and shoulders area.
Patients are also free to go back to their normal routine immediately. Oftentimes, WIFH patients schedule laser sessions during their lunch hour and then are able to go directly back to work. Wearing a tight-fitting shirt or top is not recommended directly after getting back laser hair removal, as the fabric could rub and irritate the skin.
Patients are also recommended to avoid significant sun exposure to the treated area, and should apply sunscreen if they do.
Potential Risks & Side Effects
When performed by a properly trained and experienced laser practitioner, getting laser back hair removal is a fairly low risk procedure for patients of all skin types. The primary risk factor from laser treatment is hyperpigmentation — the temporary darkening of the skin. Read more about hyperpigmentation here.
In terms of side effects, the patient’s skin may become red, bumpy, and irritated following treatment. This is most common among male patients.
Results to Expect from Laser Treatment
Like other body areas treated with laser hair removal, patients can expect a 75-90% permanent reduction in back hair following the series of 8 treatments. Patients should not expect to be 100% hair free, and should be weary of these claims by other practitioners.

Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Laser Back Hair Removal Treatments
Like any medical procedure, there are certain activities and medications that are contraindicated for patients who want to get back laser hair removal.
Tanning (Sun or Spray)
Due to risk of hyperpigmentation and a decrease in effectiveness of the laser, patients should avoid any level of tanning — either naturally by sun exposure, or by way of spray tans or at-home self tanners.
Tweeze, Pluck, or Wax
To ensure best results from the laser, patients should avoid tweezing, plucking, or waxing the back treatment area for at least 3 weeks prior to each session.
Take Accutane
Patients who take Accutane are not eligible to have laser hair removal treatments for at least 3-6 months following their last dose. This is due to an increased risk of burns, blisters and scarring of the skin[92].
Gold Injection Therapy
Patients who have received Gold Injection therapy for treatment for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis also cannot have laser hair removal due to risk of chrysiasis — a permanent condition causing the skin color to turn slate gray[93].
Cost of Laser Back Hair Removal in Atlanta
The typical price range to expect for back laser hair removal performed by a reputable, highly-trained laser practitioner in Atlanta ranges from $1,800 to $3,600 for an 8-session package.
Men's Packages | Price Includes 8-Sessions | March 30% Off |
Back (includes shoulders) | $3,648 | $2,554 |
Women's Packages | Price Includes 8-Sessions | March 30% OFF |
Back (includes shoulders) | $3,120 | $2,184 |
At WIFH, all of the laser hair removal procedures are performed by Advance Practice Nurses, Physician Assistants, and Medical Estheticians with over 90 years of combined experience who are all licensed Laser Practitioners by the Georgia Composite Medical Board.
For patients who are interested in treating multiple areas of the body with laser hair removal, WIFH offers several combinations. Other body parts that can be treated include:
- Arms & Underarms
- Bikini/Brazilian
- Buttocks
- Chest, Breasts & Nipples (Areola)
- Chin & Upper Lip
- Face, Ears & Neck
- Hands & Feet
- Legs
Visit our laser hair removal pricing page to see what might work best for your individual needs. Don’t see a combination package that fits? Let us know – we are happy to customize one.
There are also financing options available to patients who qualify.
Get a Laser Back Hair Removal Consultation
Now that you’ve got the facts on laser back hair removal, reach out and schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our licensed Laser Practitioners to see if the procedure is right for you.