Are you looking for skin tightening procedures for the face and neck to make you look and feel your absolute best? There are many treatments that will tighten the skin. Some skin tightening procedures have downtime, though, like Micro-fractional CO2.
Given the busy nature of the holiday season, if you are looking for a skin tightening treatment with no downtime that still offers skin tightening, you might consider these skin tightening procedures offered at WIFH.
The microneedling procedure is also called collagen induction therapy. During this procedure, the powered hand piece creates punctures or microscopic wounds in the skin, pushing your body into a healing response where it overproduces collagen and elastin—the building blocks to skin tissue. Thus, the skin tightens.
This procedure is unique, because it can be applied to the delicate skin around eyes. Due to some inflammation and increased circulation, you will definitely notice some immediate results and tightening from microneedling.
You will need a series of SkinPen treatments for best results. Depending on what you are trying to correct you may need between 4-8 treatments. Treatments should be spaced every 4 weeks. Immediately following treatment your skin may look sunburned, this will go away within 24 hours. We do ask that you not wear make-up for 24-hours post treatment. This is a small price to pay for beautiful skin.

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VI Peel
The VI Peel is a medical-grade chemical peel that triggers the body’s natural collagen formation and elastin production, which continues to improve the appearance of your skin over several months. Results are cumulative, so more peels lead to more tightening and firming!
The VI Peel can be applied to face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and hands. These areas often show signs of aging and will benefit from the tightening effects of the VI Peel. Like most skin procedures you really need a series. You will have some flaking and peeling that will begin 48-72 hours post treatment. As long as you keep your skin moisturized this should be manageable. The peeling can last for 3-5 days.
More Info About Skin Tightening Procedures at WIFH
All the treatments listed above also pair well with Botox and fillers. You should also be using amazing at home skin care products to help promote healing and improve your overall skin health. Keep in mind that multiple sessions are required to achieve skin tightening with all 3 options. However, these skin tightening procedures for neck and face have downtime so they will work well during the busy holiday season.
Other General Skin Tightening Procedures
Peels, microneedling, HydraFacial and microdermabrasions all offer collagen production and skin tightening if you do enough of them, because they help to thicken the skin.
Other Popular Procedures Not Offered at WIFH
Radio Frequency (RF) and Ultherapy are other popular options for skin tightening, but we do not offer them at WIFH. Though they are both FDA approved, they are also very painful and can be difficult to tolerate.
Free Skin Tightening Consultations in Atlanta
Call or visit WIFH today, and get a free consultation to find out which skin tightening procedure for the face and neck is right for you!