Looking and feeling young is important to most people and it seems everyone is searching for that fountain of youth. A topical Tretinoin skin cream maybe as close as you can get, for now.
Tretinoin (also referred to as a retinoid) is a Vitamin A derivative. These topical treatments were first used to treat acne, but it was quickly discovered that not only did the tretinoin clear up and prevent acne break-outs, it also reduced fine lines and wrinkles and improved overall skin texture.
Tretinoins are clinically proven to have significant and effective results for rejuvenating aging skin. It is also the only product approved by the FDA for anti-aging and sun damage correction.
Tretinoins work by exfoliating. They literally dissolve the dead, dull, upper layers of the skin. By removing this outer layer of old skin, cell renewal speeds up, which increases epidermal thickness and stimulates collagen production, actually diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. Because Tretinoins work by exfoliating, many patients experience surface dryness, flaking, and redness. These side effects are short lived and can be combated with rich moisturizers.
Tretinoins can also be combined with lightening agents such as hydroquinone and kojic acid to treat uneven pigmentation caused by sun damage or melasma. Results can be seen in just 2 weeks.

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Clinically proven to help:
- Diminish fine lines and wrinkles
- Suppress acne
- Improve overall skin texture
Tretinoin brands:
- Tretin-X
- Retin A
- Renova
- Differin
Tretinoins are a cost-effective, medically proven method of treating a wide spectrum of skin concerns. Because it is a prescription treatment, its use requires medical supervision. We offer the .05% and .1% Tretin-x.
Who says “Beauty is only skin deep”?