Turn to Sculptra for a Rejuvenated, Long-Lasting Glow

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Published on Jan 26, 2023 By: WIFH Staff

If you’ve been in the market for cosmetic injectables, you may feel overwhelmed by all the choices available to you. While many dermal fillers exist, and all offer results, Sculptra is a special product delivering exceptional results that last.

When you’re ready to discover how Sculptra filler can help you attain your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation at WIFH in Atlanta, GA.

What Is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a type of injectable filler. It was introduced in 1999 for other medical purposes, but it was not until 2014 that the FDA approved it for cosmetic purposes: to fill in facial lines and wrinkles and give the skin a more youthful appearance.

Sculptra’s primary ingredient is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). PLLA is a synthetic material that helps fill in lines and wrinkles and improves facial volume. Along with filling in treatment areas, Sculptra’s main ingredient also stimulates collagen production.

Collagen is a protein naturally produced by the human body. While it serves many purposes, cosmetically, it helps keep skin strong and tight.

Unfortunately, as you age, collagen production slows. This is one of the contributing factors to visible aging as the skin begins to show signs of diminished firmness. Sculptra not only works to improve the look of mature skin but also increases collagen, which helps provide longer-lasting results.

Sculptra Aesthetic can treat multiple areas of the face, including:

  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Cheeks
  • Temples
  • Marionette lines
  • Nasolabial folds

Sculptra is one of the most celebrated cosmetic products available, and it has only increased in popularity due to its effective and natural-looking results.

How Is Sculptra Different from Other Fillers?

Some patients wonder how Sculptra differs from other fillers. While there are several other fillers on the market today, Sculptra has set itself apart.

Most fillers are made from hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is also naturally created in the body. It keeps the skin looking hydrated, plump, and supple. However, it differs from collagen.

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are gel-like products that, when injected, add volume to the skin and fill in lines and wrinkles. Still, one of the most significant differences between these products and Sculptra is that, over time, Sculptra helps create collagen, while other fillers do not.

More collagen means better skin for a longer period of time. Therefore, while results from other fillers can also last a long while, Sculptra’s results are known to last much longer. For this reason, many patients prefer Sculptra over the competition.

Benefits of Sculptra Filler

Sculptra injections offer numerous benefits. Some of the most substantial advantages of choosing Sculptra include:

  • Minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment
  • Improved facial volume and contours
  • Increase in collagen production
  • Reduced signs of aging
  • Long-lasting results

If you’re interested in discovering how Sculptra could benefit your appearance and help you reach your aesthetic goals, we’d be happy to discuss your wishes during your consultation.

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What to Expect During Your Sculptra Appointment

Sculptra does not require any specific pre-treatment care. However, we may recommend stopping the use of NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen a few days before your appointment to encourage quicker healing.

On the day of your treatment, we will begin by mapping out and marking the treatment area. We will thoroughly cleanse the area and provide a numbing agent to help minimize any potential discomfort.

Next, we will inject small amounts of the product throughout the target area to achieve the best possible results. Once we’ve completed your treatment, we will provide aftercare instructions to help promote healing. Generally, we may recommend:

  • Using cold packs on the treatment area for a few minutes at a time throughout the first 24 hours after your appointment
  • For five days following your treatment, massaging the injection areas for five minutes at a time, five times a day
  • Avoiding sun exposure and tanning beds for a few days while the area heals

Treatment times vary depending on the number and size of the areas you want treated, but each session often lasts no longer than 60 minutes.

Results from Sculptra

The results of Sculptra Aesthetic injections are the best part of the treatments.

You may notice a difference in your appearance right after your appointment. However, because of the way the product works, results are gradual. It may take two to three weeks to see maximum results.

Sculptra is one of the longest-lasting filler treatments available. Even after your body has absorbed the product, you can still see and feel the results of your treatment because of the increased collagen production. For this reason, many patients enjoy their results for up to two years — more than most other filler products.

Determining Whether Sculptra Is Right for You

Sculptra injections can be used for women and men of various skin types, tones, and textures. If you’re experiencing facial volume loss and visible signs of aging and want to find a lasting, non-surgical solution, Sculptra may be the right treatment for you.

A consultation is an essential step in deciding whether Sculptra can help give you the results you desire. During your consultation, we will examine your areas of concern and ask questions regarding the outcome you seek to create a personalized treatment plan.

You may require multiple Sculptra treatments spread out over a few months. We can recommend how many treatments and how much product you’ll need to give you the results you’re looking for.

Take the First Step — Schedule Your Sculptra Consultation

Healthy, youthful skin is attainable. Schedule your Sculptra consultation today at WIFH in Atlanta, GA. We look forward to serving you.

Regan Kudlata, RN, MSN, FNP-C

Regan Kudlata is a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner and a Senior Cosmetic Laser Practitioner licensed by the Georgia Composite Medical Board. Regan has more than 20 years of laser experience in laser hair removal, tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation, treatment of veins and skin lesions, IPL and SculpSure at WIFH. She also holds an advanced injector certification and has more than 18 years of experience with Botox and dermal fillers.